Magično bilje je uvoznik i distributer dijetetskih preparata iz različitih delova sveta i izdavač časopisa Magično bilje i Lekoviti med. Prisutni smo na tržištu Srbije, Ex Yu zemalja, Nemačke, Austrije, Švajcarske i Kanade od 2005. godine. Dugogodišnji smo nosioci sertifikata EXCELLENT Privredne komore Srbije za mala i srednja preduzeća. U našim biljnim centrima u centru Beograda možete naći najbolji izbor meda i dodataka ishrani odobrenih od strane Ministrstva zdravlja.
Magic herbs is an importer and distributor of dietary supplements from different parts of the world and the publisher of magical herbs and medicinal honey. We are present in the Serbian market, Ex Yu countries, Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Canada since 2005. Longtime we are holders of certificates EXCELLENT Serbian Chamber of Commerce for SMEs. In our plant malls in the city center you can find the best selection of honey and food supplements approved by the Ministry of Health.